Rabu, 06 April 2016

One Dead Fish and Blossoming Beans

Went to Vegas last weekend and put an automatic feeder on the tank.  Came back and had one floater.  I wasnt really surprised. I was actually expecting closer to a 50% mortality rate when I thought I was going to get fingerlings, so this isnt so bad.  The only problem was that Im not sure how long it was dead (it was pretty stiff), so I dont know how long it was decomposing and contaminating the water.  I took ammonia and nitrite readings and they were a little high, but not too bad.  I held off feeding until the next day, then my readings were normal, but the water is still a little cloudy.  The rest of the fish seem to be doing OK, though.  They love feeding time.  I turn on the light underneath them and I can see a bunch of them start swimming all crazy when I drop the food in. 

BTW, Fishcam is dead.  Uh, I guess my Ziplock idea wasnt so airtight after all.  At least not the last time (and I do mean "last time") I used it.  At least I got one sort of good little video.

The bush beans that think theyre pole beans are finally starting to blossom, which means I should hopefully have some green beans soon.  Peas are doing OK, but no flower buds yet.

The beans are still growing crazily toward the window, as expected, to the point that theyre pretty much lying flat on the ground.  Not sure what that means for bean production, but I guess well see.  I put a full spectrum light in the room and leave it on for a couple of hours a day (when I remember).  Hopefully that will help even them out a little.  Here are a few pictures.

30 Sept 2011
Green Bean Blossoms

Green Beans in Growbed 1

Green Beans in Growbed 2
 Thats all for now.  Thanks for reading!? ??


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