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Fooled You is a hybrid (F-1) variety of jalapeno with virtually no heat.
They have the flavor and appearance of jalapenos, but you can munch them like bell peppers. They are typically just a bit larger than regular jalapenos at about 3 ¼ inches long and 1 inch wide. The fruit is heavy, thick-walled, and will turn from green to red if allowed to mature on the plant. The plant will grow to just over 2 feet tall and many seed companies boast large yields in about 65 days.
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Mouse Mellon
Tiny, 1 x 1/2 in. light-green fruits with darker mottling look like watermelons for a doll house. The flesh is white, crisp, crunchy with a slight lemony tartness. The flavor is closer to a cucumber than a melon. One person described them as,"Cucumber with a bit of watermelon rind and a squeeze of lemon juice." It is said that the missing crunch can make people go off diets.
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Lemon Cucumber
Yellow-colored, spherical, the dimensions of an ample fist. Yep, these types of cucumbers appear like lemons (significantly, thats a image of cucumbers, lemon cucumbers, not really lemons). These are sweet, without having that nasty side that a majority of cucumbers have got, thin skins, minimum gentle seeds, as well as tasty. Theyre delicious raw, however create tasty pickles as well.
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Strawberry Spinach
Ground Chery
Litchi Tomatoes
Because the plant itself is covered with thorns, it is sometimes used as a hedge plant to discourage animals from wandering into vegetable gardens not a bad idea.
The fruits ripen dark red and are round and somewhat bullet-shaped, tapering to a blunt point. The interior flesh is yellow and full of tiny flat seeds that are arranged much the same way as seeds in a cherry tomato. Thus, when eaten out of hand, the raw fruit has the mouth feeling of raspberries. The actual flavor is tart and refreshing, quite similar to a sour cherry, for which it can be used as a relatively good substitute in pies.
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Moringa Oleifera and Moringa Stenopetala
Moringa, native to parts of Africa and Asia, is the sole genus in the flowering plant family Moringaceae.
The most widely cultivated species is Moringa oleifera, a multipurpose tree native to the foothills of the Himalayas in northwestern India and cultivated throughout the tropics. M. stenopetala, an African species, is also widely grown, but to a much lesser extent than M. oleifera.
Moringa grows quickly in many types of environments.
Much of the plant is edible by humans or by farm animals. The leaves are rich in protein, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C and minerals
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