Kamis, 24 Maret 2016

May 2014 Update

Ive still got five trout in the tank.  I threw a bunch of wildflower seeds in one bed, just to see what happens.  The plants have grown, but no flowers, probably due to the cold water temps.  Now that its starting to warm up, I expect the cilantro to grow a lot more quickly, and maybe I will get some flowers.  Because we dont have A/C and we heat mostly with a wood stove, the temperatures inside the house arent as constant as they would be with central hear and air, so the water temperature fluctuates with the seasons.

Instead of typing a bunch of stuff, this time I decided to just narrate the video.  Not sure if anyone can understand my mumbling over the sound of the water draining...

UPDATE:  After I uploaded this, I watched it and realized you probably cant hear anything I say, so heres a rough transcript:

Me: "Blah blah fish blah blah....I still have five fish....one is a lot bigger than the other.  Lets feed them.  They love dried meal worms....blah blah blah....
Here are the plant beds."
Cat in the backgroud: "meow."
Me: "In the left plant bed, I planted a bunch of wildflower seeds.  They havent produced any flowers yet, probably because the water is too cold.  Oh, that looks like some little flowers coming in.  In the right plant bed, I have some basil and cilantro.  And here is Armando, the fish keeper."

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