Rabu, 16 Maret 2016

Where to buy tilapia

   Well when we start off with auaponics its a blast! If your like me, you cant sleep at night with all the ideas in your head of building your own system. Lets face it, after looking at all the videos on You-Tube for an hour or so, we can definitely wipe out the hardware stores with our own ideas.

   And then we go to the local nursery or department store and buy some plants and seeds which gets us off to the right direction but now where do we get the fish?

   Well there is several places but choose wisely. First off I netted up several perch from a near by pond, and I thought that would be perfect, but I was mistaken. Because they were wild they would only eat real food as in worms, tadpoles, or even bread, but no store bought food. I would go out every day and dig worms but after a while that was too much work and less was being found every day, so I took them back to the pond.

I first would suggest to get your fish from a reputably source if possible. This way your guaranteed to get quality fish without the chance of disease.
There is several aquaponics suppliers that either carry the fish of know who to contact.
Aquaponic Store is one of the ones on my list. They have many options to choose from including other fish besides Tilapia.  

  Tilapia Depot from Florida has one of the widest range of fish that I know of.

   But I think first of I would Check Craigs List to see if anyone in your area has the fish you would like to try. chances are there is and you can drive to their place and see how they are doing it. If there isnt
then this would be a great opportunity for you to think of a business venture of selling some fish to help offset some of your cost.

   My last choice but one that I like to use more often is E-bay 
keep and eye on this, because there is always a good deal, even free shipping on some.
If there is not free shipping then try to get someone to go in with you to order your fish. its not the fish that cost so much, its the shipping, you can basically get 15 fish shipped for the same price as 50.

Hope this helps,
Let me know if you need any help, and Ill be glad to assist.

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