Senin, 11 April 2016

Hello summer its market season in Livingston

Welcome to the Livingston Farmers Market!

Above you see Mari with her ever-present warm joy inviting you to taste her new guacamole and salsa. Ive written about her fabulous bean dip. Dont miss out on any Maris Montana Kitchen offering.

Elsewhere in the market there were plenty of delightful things to look at, sample, and buy.

Plant starts for the garden were a popular offering.

If you want to grow your own produce in Montana, you might want to invest in a greenhouse.

Soft spring greens beckoned to those who dont want to wait for fall harvest.

I was intrigued by the Montana Roots group that, among other activities, teaches Bozeman students how to garden without dirt. Today they were selling their hydroponic lettuce -- so clean and tender!

Elsewhere, I saw honey (from hives on the outskirts of Bozeman), jelly (made from fruit grown in the vendors garden), and bread (from Crust and Crumb Bakery).

Some pretty pottery caught my eye as it glistened in the late afternoon sun.

You get mighty hungry wandering through any farmers market. Today I stopped at the Tumbleweeds gourmet-on-the-go food wagon to buy a Thai burrito. Believe me, its delicious! Look for Tumbleweeds at major food events around the Bozeman area.

My circuit ended at Maris table, where I picked up my guacamole and salsa to take home, and also bought a copy of Cliff Murrays new book, Zombie Apocalypse NOW. Id like to say I cant put it down, but as I read it, I have to keep getting up to make sure the windows and doors are tightly latched. Contact Mari to buy a copy to add to your zombie apocalypse collection.

As you can see, theres something for everyone at the Livingston Farmers Market this year. Have fun!

Livingston Farmers Market
Sacajawea Park bandshell
June 4 - September 24
Wednesday, 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm (music 6:30 pm - 9 pm)

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