I made the trip to Liley Fisheries in Boulder to pick up 50 - 2"-4" rainbow trout. Boulder isnt really too far from Colorado Springs, but going through Denver - AHH!!! What a headache. It seems more like L.A. every time I have to drive through there. Although, at least when traffic stops in Denver, theres usually a reason for it. It just might take you an hour to drive the ten miles to find out what the reason is. Anyway, the point is that picking up the fish is pretty much a journey.
I arrived at Liley and the nice man there filled up my fish "tank" (trash can) with water, poured in the fish, and I was off. I got about 3/4 of the way home when I decided to pull off the freeway and get a soda. When I pulled off, everything was fine until I pulled out from the stop sign. Thats when I found out that I had not properly secured my cargo. The barrel fell over, dumping all of the water AND the fish in the bed of the truck!!! I went about a half mile and pulled into a Safeway parking lot. The baby fish were flopping all over the bed of the truck. I climbed into the bed, set the barrel upright, and tossed all of the fish into the empty barrel. Even though I figured they would all be dead, I ran into the store (my pants were soaking wet with stinky fish water BTW), bought eight gallons of distilled water, ran back out to the truck and poured the water into the barrel. At this point, I was thoroughly discouraged, and decided that I was going to give up the fish part and just do hydroponics because I couldnt handle another four-hour round trip to get more fish.
When I got home, I dragged the barrel out of the truck, trying to figure out what to do with it, when I noticed one little shadow moving around near the surface of the water. I started taking out dead fish and noticed that there were still several fish struggling, but still swimming and breathing. I scooped the live fish into their new home, but judging by their appearance, I didnt expect them to survive more than an hour or two. I had to take my son to youth group, so I changed and left, expecting to find a bunch of dead fish floating at the top of the tank when I got home. When I got back home that evening, I was shocked to see fifteen fish swimming around the tank, looking nice and healthy.
One month later, those same fifteen fish are still alive and well. At the time of my fish disaster, I would have been pretty happy if just one or two fish had survived, but to have almost 25% of the original 50 fish survive for at least ten minutes out of water, and survive the stress of the ordeal...that still amazes me! My miracle fish are getting fat and sassy, as you can see in this video. The water has been too cold for algae, so its a lot clearer than it was in the last tank.
On the plant side of the house, not much activity until lately. Even though I added some fluorescent grow lights, the water and air temperature in the room were too cold. The dog door in the room had a little strip of rubber around the edges that gets pulled off when the dogs come in the room. For most of the winter, the "arctic" air from outside was blowing in through this gap in the door. A few weeks ago, my husband replaced the dog door, so the room stays a lot warmer. Plus, I think (hope) the sub-zero temperatures are gone for the year. Here are some pictures of the plants.
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Plants look a lot greener with the extra light - before, they were a sickly yellow color |
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Broccoli |
Cilantro |
Bush beans |
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